less than 1 minute read

If you are using Power Automate Flow with MS Dataverse Delete trigger and trying to find a way to retrieve attributes value from a deleted record, you are in the right place!


MS Dataverse Delete trigger is triggered post action. That means that record values are already missing from the database when trigger is triggered. Therefore, if you want to reuse some value that was part of that record, you will not be able to.



  • Audit needs to be enabled globally in environment
  • Audit need to be enabled on entity you are targeting


  • You need to get last Audit record related to deleted record.
    • OData example: /audits?$filter=_objectid_value eq ''&$orderby=createdon desc&$top=1
  • This call will return Audit record with changedata attribute
  • changedata value is stringified JSON object which will contain changedAttributes array
  • Parse this JSON object and you’ll get last existed values in oldValue object key value of changedAttributes array

Hope this helps.

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