Embedding a PowerBI Report into a Form Using Environment Variables
Embedding a PowerBI Report into a Form Using Environment Variables
Embedding a PowerBI Report into a Form Using Environment Variables
Ensuring the security of sensitive data within Azure Functions is paramount for maintaining data integrity and compliance. However, encountering errors such ...
If you are using Power Automate Flow with MS Dataverse Delete trigger and trying to find a way to retrieve attributes value from a deleted record, you are in...
This is a long overdue article (probably a series) about how corporate IT security is often forcing “security through obscurity” and how it is not helping an...
We have been using Bitwarden in our company as a primary password manager. Previously, we were using their directory connector but we decided to switch to SC...
The built in permission system in Dataverse is fine for most usecases and offers flexible way of managing access to diferent entities. However, it’s not real...
Recently I got my hands on Fluent UI component called DetailsList. It is pretty handy component to show tabular data. There are many options how you can cuso...
I want to write a follow-up for one of my previous posts Remove variables from apply to each action. I have been using this technique quite a lot and run int...
Lately, I got my hands on Power Apps Power Query Dataflows. It is a pretty handy tool for migrating, transforming, and importing data. I suggest you to try i...
The only way how to achieve proper application lifecycle management (ALM) in Power Platform is to deploy everything through a managed solution. This is espec...
Using variables inside your flows can be quite handy. You can store data in them, update the data, and append it to string or array variables. There is one s...
Recently, I encountered a case where I needed to send a Follow up via Power Automate Flow, to automatically notify users about pending Approvals. Let’s take ...
In our last post, I explained how to make a business rule based on related business process flow.
In some of our projects where we synchronize data from other systems, we use the upsert operation, since we keep the same primary ID of the record. After rev...
Lately, I was wondering, if there is a way to hide some buttons through the whole environment. I have been using Ribbon Workbench to hide buttons for specifi...
In this blog post, we will showcase how to create a PowerApps Record URL which included App Unique Name instead of App ID. Why The added benefit exists bec...
In rare cases you will face a system which is secured by NTLM Authentication. It can even expose a REST API. In this blog post, I will show you how to easily...
Úspěch v soutěži Deloitte Fast 50 Central Europe
Since the recommended way to use Microsoft Teams on your is using the desktop app, most of the users expect some difficulties accessing the app via browser. ...
If you want to hide rolodex on your subgrid (the bar on the bottom with whole alphabet), this post is for you. While working with dashboards, one line caught...
If you want to programmatically set permissions to documents in SharePoint - it is quite simple, just use Microsoft Graph. If you want to set those permissio...
Starting in November 2020, Microsoft started limiting applications to which end-users can consent to. The setup is fairly simple if you use a single tenant f...
You may have encountered an error recently with a Flow in Power Automate that uses custom connectors that require some sort of authentication, in which the f...
As we all probably know, every Flow in Power Automate begins with a trigger and continues with multiple actions, branches and conditions. But have you ever c...
Recently, we have been working on an integration of a customer’s on-premises system with Power Apps. The on-premises system is not accessible from the Intern...
When you develop controsl with PCF tooling, you can make use of pac pcf push command which will push the components to your environment, so you can test it.
Working with Azure Logic Apps SQL Connector can be tricky sometimes, especially if you work with datetime and OData queries.
If you happen to be setting up a tenant for a school you my face a problem with Teams, meaning that Teams works for teachers, but not for students.
Have you ever found a well documented API? Yeah, me neither. But seriously, have you ever wanted to consume an API documented with Swagger or OpenAPI? You ca...
Are you familiar with Logic Apps? Have you ever written your custom connector and wondered how to support Polling Triggers in your API? The way is not exactl...
Picture this: You need to solve a ticket, where a user needs to be recovered after being deleted. Not a big deal, just access the deleted users from the Offi...
If you are an administrator for some academic institution and you would like to start using Office 365 you have probably hit a rock of lack of information an...
From time to time, when you start Office 365 trial with Exchange Online license, after some time you happen to be cut off from email communication and you ge...
Have you ever struggled with the settings in Dynamics CRM when you were setting up mailboxes and queues? Right.
If you are an Office 365 administrator, I believe that you have experienced this scenario. The situation when you want to add a domain to an Office 365 tenan...
Have you tried to upload your own solution containing a model driven app into your environment, but for some unexpected reason, you got a very non descriptiv...
We need database so we need SQL Server. How many times have you heard this nonsense? There are many alternatives to traditional relation databases that are m...
Since 2018 I am playing with Logic Apps. All that time I have been thinking about the best approach for authentication and authorization. There are certain s...
Have you ever wanted to display a view from different entity and there was no straight relationship? Worry not! I finally figured out how to do it. So, let’s...
In CDS, the Advanced find gives us a great tool for generating FetchXML files, but even it has some limitations that can be worked around. Today we will focu...
If you have seen the screen below, you should definitely continue reading, because I’m gonna share with you very simple solution.
You may wonder why is this part 3 when there is no part 1 and part 2. The reason is simple. Bob Guidinger already covered the introduction to the custom dial...
PowerApps component framework has been in public preview for a while now. While it allows you to create wonderful customizations, you may want to make use of...
If you or your customers are running hybrid Microsoft Exchange deployment and you are using Microsoft Graph, you might have noticed that using the client_cre...
Last week, we have hit a really interesting issue with our Linux machines in Azure. We “somehow” (will be explained later in the post) managed to get complet...
When you are managing services which deal with customer’s data, sensitive information etc. you should never allow users to directly access the data. Instead,...
Have you always wondered why we need to activate workflows, when every other component, from entities to forms, needs to be saved and published? Is workflow ...
Imagine you have some tools or a framework you want to share with your company and reuse it on various projects. If you develop your tool in .Net standard, t...
Hi, today I came across JSON parser error in Microsoft Flow. I used auto-generated schema and everything had been working just fine until a connector I used ...
With v9 a lot of changed. One of the major changes is client web API, some of calls were made deprecated and some were added. For example, Xrm.WebApi.
We have recently deployed a strict DMARC policy (p=reject; sp=reject) on our domains. While this adds greater security while sending e-mail and prevents spoo...
System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Type is not resolved for member ‘Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException’ If you ever run into this ...
Hello there, fellow power platform customizers/developers! Have you tried to override the default open behavior in subgrid and failed? What I’ve found in m...
Přesně před týdnem byl vypuštěn veřejný build verze ke stažení. Pro On-Premises prostředí je to velká a zásadní aktualizace, která přináší rozděle...
Sometimes we need to work with a variable inside a loop section. Whether it’s a precomputation or just a helper variable. Logic Apps allows us to do so. Yet ...
Finally, it’s the weekend and I have some time to focus on an issue which bothered our team for a few months. As always we wanted to do it the right way so i...
We have had the group-based licensing option available in preview for over a year. While this service is in preview, it makes provisioning hundreds of users ...
As Alex blogged we are currently facing a caching bug of plugin assemblies in Dynamics 365 cloud instances (V9). You can do an in-place upgrade with Plugin R...
For quite a long time, we have been running a local service called SkolniLogin.cz which primarily focused on providing SSO experience for various systems at ...
Microsoft chce dostat všechny zákazníky v cloudu na poslední (a tu nejlepší) verzi, a tak mění kompletně styl vývoje, podpory a nasazovaní aktualizací na kon...
UPDATE 19/9/18: It has been fixed in version of Plugin Registration Tool https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.CrmSdk.XrmTooling.PluginRegistratio...
Pokud to trochu sledujete, ale začínáte se ztrácet v posledních novinkách v oblasti informačních systému Microsoftu, tak určitě nejste sami. Microsoft totiž ...
The import of the solution XYZ failed. The following components are missing in your system and are not included in the solution. Import the managed solutions...
When you have a OneNote notebook shared with an entire group or site in SharePoint (or with few people in OneDrive for Business) you might want to be able to...
Jako základ pro další články a informace o platformě považuji za nezbytné, abych přiblížil historický kontext a vývoj platformy, která dnes stojí za službou ...
To be honest, managing authentication in Linux for multiple users/admins can be a huge pain. Different companies use various tools - generally, they use a ce...
In previous article, we have looked at the possibility to connect Dynamics 365 on-premise directly with Azure AD, which is on one hand really cool, on the ot...
Služba Azure Logic Apps zjednodušuje vytváření automatizovaných škálovatelných workflows (pracovních postupů), které integrují aplikace a data napříč cloudov...
Zabezpečte jednoduše vaší aplikaci bez nutnosti většího zásahu do backendu. App Service Authentication vám pomůže zabezpečit váš web nebo mobilní aplikaci. T...
You may need to point your sitemap items to a specific table view. You can achieve this by using a special URL in the sitemap sub area with the view’s parame...
While Dynamics 365’s documentation is full of articles and tutorials about setting it up with Active Directory Federation Services, there is no mention of us...
I came across a strange issue when trying to upgrade CRM deployment to Microsoft SQL Server 2017. Important note: It is not listed as a supported version htt...
Microsoft Azure nabízí spoustu praktických pomůcek, které můžete využít ve vašich aplikací. Mě osobně nejvíce zaujaly „poznávací“ služby, tedy Cognitive Serv...
Ať již provozujete pouze školní webové stránky s administračním systémem, nebo školní informační systém či vzdělávací portál, nepodceňujte základní zásady be...
5 šikovných studentů v průběhu zimních prázdnin kompletně zinovovali školní síť v Gymnáziu ve Žďáru nad Sázavou. Tento proces zahrnoval krom samozřejmého plá...
Od 18. listopadu mají školy k dispozici novou verzi informačního systému Bakaláři. Ten kromě jiných vylepšení přináší i nové uživatelské rozhraní (tzv. NEXT)...
V tomto školním roce připravil Microsoft pro všechny učitele a studenty novou aplikaci pro školy, které používají Office 365 Education. Jedná se o Microsoft ...
Přečtěte si další informace v sérii, kde přibližuji problematiku vytváření sjednocené identity. V článku naleznete přehled tří rozšířených standardů pro auto...
Tento článek přiblížuje podrobnosti jednoho konkrétního případu, který jsme zaznamenali v síti u jednoho z našich zákazníků. Několik dnů zpět jsme byli svědk...
Již minulý rok jsme společně se službou SkolniLogin.cz začali připravovat rozšíření našeho portfolia o platformu školních webových stránek. Mnoho důvodů nás ...
Cílem této série je je přiblížení situace a dostupných prostředků k sjednocení elektronické identity uživatelů softwaru, který spravuje školní instituce. Sje...
Začátkem prázdnin, kdy školy opustili studenti, jsme se pustili do prvních náročných implementačních prací. Zajímavostí, která stojí za zmínku je SPŠ a SOU P...
Květen byl pro nás ve znamení konferencí - ICT ve školství a Roadshow pro školy. Každým dnem jiné město, každým dnem série přednášek o Office 365 a našem řeš...
Pokud máte možnost zúčastnit se 12. ročníku konference v Novém Městě na Moravě, určitě nás, kluky ze SkolniLogin.cz, nezapomeňte navštívit. Jen pozor na poča...
Kolona aut na 149 kilometru dálnice Praha-Brno vypadá nekonečně. Osmá hodina nás stíhá ještě rozespalé, ale my přesto sedíme v autě mířicím na Slovensko. Ček...